"I liked learning about the different labels on food and I will be keeping an eye out for them"
"I really liked the different characters, they made it really fun!"
"It was sad to find out what happens to animals when you throw plastic in the water. I was happy I could help do things to help"
"I know lots more about palm oil now and I learnt that you can get sustainable palm oil"
"I didn’t really know what sustainability meant but now I do and will start doing more to help the planet"
"The videos and pictures were very funny"
"I liked the bits we did in our groups and sorting the things in the bags"
"I thought Emma was really friendly"
"I learnt how to find out if things are healthy for the planet"
"Emma has helped us learn what to buy as she showed us different labels"
"She has taught me not to throw away toys in the bin. I should give them to other people"